Mario Reyes is a dual credit student studying general studies. He is graduating from San Jac North. His favorite course was calculus during his time at San Jac.
“It has been a learning curve for me to learn how to study calculus rules and not algebra rules. My love for math has grown because my professor has been an immense help,” says Reyes.
A lesson that Reyes learned during his time at San Jac is to “never skip class”. Reyes says whenever he misses a class he feels behind and that one lecture can make a difference.
After graduating from San Jac Reyes plans to attend University of Texas at Austin to major in astronomy, then go to another school for his PhD in Astrophysics. His love for space is what motivated him to get his degree.
Reyes advice for future graduate is “Just because you fail/drop a class does not mean that is a reason for you to lose the love for what you aspire to do with your future.”