Sophia Gonzalez’s favorite classes at San Jac were Biology 1 and 2 for STEM Majors, Microbiology, and Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2.
“I have deep respect for all my science professors, Dr. Ludlow, Professor Murray, Dr. Rivera, Dr. Higgs, and Dr. Wright. They made their classes enjoyable and it is evident that they genuinely desire the success of all their students,” says Gonzalez
Gonzalez treasures the knowledge and experiences she received from Dr. Wright’s Anatomy and Physiology 2 class, where she dissected a cat and took a field trip to observe human cadavers. Gonzalez plans to attend the University of Houston Clear Lake to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the clinical laboratory. As a clinical laboratory technician, Gonzalez intends to work in medical environments such as hospitals, clinics, research laboratories, and physicians’ offices.
While pursuing her degree at San Jac, Gonzalez has acquired several skills that have supported her studies, such as time management, goal setting, critical thinking, the ability to establish a successful study routine, and asking for assistance from her professors when needed. Gonzales advises future graduates to “take advantage of every free opportunity or offer San Jac provides. If you encounter any difficulties while studying, San Jac has staff members available in the Welcome Center and library to assist you.”