Congratulations to Magda Rocha, Communications major
“I picked sociology as one of my favorite classes because I learned a lot of interesting and very important things about the world and mainly society. The one thing that has stuck with me since I took the class two years ago is the lesson that human behavior is the most difficult to predict. I think about this every day when I’m talking to someone or when I’m driving because it’s true. You never really know someone’s next move,” says Rocha.
Rocha wants to be a social media manager for a big company. Her real dream is to be apart of a Public Relations team for a celebrity, but that is far along the way.
“Something what helped me earn my degree is I, fortunately, had amazing professors who were motivating and made going to school worth it. All the lessons I learned were beneficial and not tiring.” Rocha’s favorite course she has taken during her time at San Jac was either Composition 1302, or Introduction to Sociology.
“My advice to future graduates is to push through. It is worth it in the end. You will find your passion along the way, all you have is time. You deserve to be proud of yourself,” says Rocha.